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Une ceinture pour chaque tenue : L'élégance à la Finsbury
Dans le monde de la mode, les ceintures sont devenues bien plus que de simples accessoires, elles se distinguent par leur qualité artisanale et leur design raffiné. Finsbury est rapidement devenue célèbre pour ses chaussures en cuir de haute qualité,......
Finsbury place son savoir faire au service de l’élégance féminine
Petite promenade improvisée dans Paris un jour ensoleillé d’hiver, à quelques pas du Jardin du Luxembourg, vous flânez rue de Rennes pour faire une halte au 121. Une façade lumineuse et des silhouettes de souliers féminins derrière des vitrines se dessinent devant vous. Vous n’avez plus......
Grandes occasions : Découvrez notre sélection
Les grandes occasions de la vie nécessitent une tenue impeccable de la tête aux pieds, et les chaussures ne font pas exception. Que ce soit pour un mariage, un baptême, une remise de diplôme ou toute autre occasion spéciale, il est important de choisir une paire de chaussures qui sublimera......
Each job has its own pair of shoes
Your job can sometimes require impeccable clothing. The statement “proper attire required” is not only valid for entering a nightclub. It is also for certain economic sectors, where professional meetings take place, contract signings or simply for a presence in......
Why you must have monks ?
Monks are shoes with style! It is easy to recognize them thanks to their lack of laces and their two-buckle fastening system. It is a model well known to the elegant gentlemen present at Pitti Uomo in Milano (Italy), but it's still not enough present in men's dressing rooms. Despite its......
Discover the Business Line
Elegant and comfortable, the new business line Having a nice pair of shoes allows us to look smart and stylish at work, which is essential to feel confident and credible in order to project a better image of ourselves. But this sometimes requires a certain amount of money, and we don't......
The first eco-responsible sneaker!
New at Finsbury! We are launching our first ever recycled collection with the new Greenwood model. Available in 2 colors, black and navy blue, and made with sustainable materials, the Greenwood is a great addition to our Casual line that stands out for its comfort and chic look. What is......
Ceremony: what color shoes to match with your suit?
Here we are! The wedding season is fast approaching. Whether you are the groom, the best man or a guest, you will need a pair of elegant and comfortable shoes to match this happy event. If you're still undecided on your choice of shoes or if you simply don't know what color is best for your......
What to wear this autumn ?
It's autumn, the season of falling leaves and uncertain weather that heralds the return of the cold. The big question of the season: "What to wear? "Should you keep your summer clothes or take out your winter ones? Should you stay in moccasins or dust off your boots? To help you, we have decided......
Different type of boots
When October arrives, the boots oare out of the closet, dusted, waxed and re-fashioned! Indeed, they allow a protection to the cold more important while remaining elegant. But do you know the different models of boots? Discover with us different types of boots! Leather boots for men with......
Which shoes for the mid-season ?
Which shoes for the mid-season ? The start of the school year is often a moment that none of us expect. Whether you're a child going back to school or an adult returning to work after a well-deserved holiday in the south of France, it's often a difficult time. So to get you off to a......
What if this year you found the perfect gift? We've put together a selection of gifts for all tastes: weekly, belts, small leather goods .... A BELT A beautiful belt is obviously an essential for all men. It is the accessory that will allow you to "finish" your look. A simple......
Spring is the perfect time to wear your new mid-season shoes. Here are the 4 shoe ranges to have in a man's dressing room to face the beautiful days and to stay elegant. 1 – Sneakers In leather or canvas, the sneaker is an essential fashion accessory today. Sneakers or more......
How to match your socks with your outfit?
How to choose your socks ? This is a question we often hear in our stores or from our customers and on social networks. THEORY In theory, in men's fashion, it's recommended to match the color of socks with the color of his pants or shoes. This allows you to remain sober, chic and......
The different kind of tips
As we recently commented, there are 6 types of men's shoes (oxford, derby, loafers, buckle, sneaker and boots). To these types of shoes, the tips of these can also be differentiated. Indeed, 4 specific tips are present on the Finsbury ranges: one-cut, straight, golf and flowery. The......
White sneakers - Timeless fashion piece
White sneakers - Timeless fashion piece Mens White trainers are THE pair of trainers to have in your wardrobe essentials. As easy to wear with jeans as with a suit, their immaculate colour and minimalist design make them timeless. But first, a little history. Derived from the......
Take car of your suede leather shoes !
Suede leather is the part of the leather on the flesh side. This type of skin is very easy to care for and robust. Of course, suede leather does not require waxing or creaming. For optimal care, you will need a brass brush and an aerosol waterproofing agen t. In order to maintain your......
How to care for your shoes during winter ? During winter, your shoes are put to the test: rain, hail, snow, salt on the roads and pavements and the cold. During this period, your leather is exposed and can quickly become damaged if you are not careful. That's why your favourite shoes......
Which shoes to choose for this winter ?
When winter comes around, we are looking for shoes that will be able to face the cold and the different changes of weather (rain, snow...) while remaining chic. And yes, there are shoes adapted to the winter weather and that's what we are going to present to you through this article of the best......
How to take care of your shoes?
With the different seasons, perspiration, clumsy stains and dust, our shoes have to deal with many enemies that can quickly damage them. What if this new confinement allowed us to take the time to look after them? Many accessories or products exist to give life back to shoes damaged by its......
Why use shoe trees?
Although indispensable for the longevity of a shoe, the shoe tree is not the first accessory that comes to mind when buying shoes. So what is the point of a shoe tree? Why is it essential? What size should I choose? This article will answer all your questions. OUR SHOE TREES At......
Chic and Casual this summer
The beautiful days are here and every elegant man wants to reconcile the casual side without sacrificing elegance. How to proceed ? We will try to guide you in your choice of shoes, and how to associate them with casual outfits, whether in your professional or private environment.......
The 5 must-have shoes for the wardrobe
If there is one subject that is vast in the men's wardrobe it is shoes. For some men, two or three pairs are enough, while for others, a dozen are needed. In our opinion, at Finsbury, 5 types of shoes are essential and we will present them to you: Oxford Shoes Sewn from a single......
Glazed or polido leather : Shoe care tips
Glazed or polido leather (also called "rectified skin"), is a waterproof leather, covered with patent giving a shiny side to the leather. This type of leather requires very little care. Indeed, as this leather no longer has the pores (flower) of a standard leather, waxing, or any other cleaning......
Shoe polish , cream, brushes, pallet, polishing cloth : how to use tem ?
If you are a little lost with all the different kind of products to clean your shoes. Just read this, we explain you all of it ! Cream , milk and wax The soft leather cream is for the stronger leather. It penetrates the leather more deeply. This cream hydrate the leather and protect......
The different kind of tips
As we recently commented, there are 6 types of men's shoes (oxford, derby, loafers, buckle, sneaker and boots). To these types of shoes, the tips of these can also be differentiated. Indeed, 4 specific tips are present on the Finsbury ranges: one-cut, straight, golf and flowery. The......
Blake and Goodyear, what are the differences ?
Finsbury, an expert in Goodyear hand-sewn shoes, now also offers Blake sewn shoes for its shoe models. But what are the differences between these types of soles? THE GOODYEAR SEWN Invented by Charles Goodyear Jr. in 1869, the Goodyear upright, or welt, connects the insole, shoe upper......
Oxford, Derbies, Loafers, Boots or Sneakers ?
The tastes are unique and the uses are multiple. It is from this idea that Finsbury now offers more than 150 models in many shapes ranging from Oxford to derby, from boots to sneakers, from loafers to buckle shoes. However, what is the difference between these different models and what can......